/* * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ 'use strict'; (function() { var Marzipano = window.Marzipano; var bowser = window.bowser; var screenfull = window.screenfull; var data = window.APP_DATA; // Grab elements from DOM. var panoElement = document.querySelector('#pano'); var sceneNameElement = document.querySelector('#titleBar .sceneName'); var sceneListElement = document.querySelector('#sceneList'); var sceneElements = document.querySelectorAll('#sceneList .scene'); var sceneListToggleElement = document.querySelector('#sceneListToggle'); var autorotateToggleElement = document.querySelector('#autorotateToggle'); var fullscreenToggleElement = document.querySelector('#fullscreenToggle'); // Detect desktop or mobile mode. if (window.matchMedia) { var setMode = function() { if (mql.matches) { document.body.classList.remove('desktop'); document.body.classList.add('mobile'); } else { document.body.classList.remove('mobile'); document.body.classList.add('desktop'); } }; var mql = matchMedia("(max-width: 500px), (max-height: 500px)"); setMode(); mql.addListener(setMode); } else { document.body.classList.add('desktop'); } // Detect whether we are on a touch device. document.body.classList.add('no-touch'); window.addEventListener('touchstart', function() { document.body.classList.remove('no-touch'); document.body.classList.add('touch'); }); // Use tooltip fallback mode on IE < 11. if (bowser.msie && parseFloat(bowser.version) < 11) { document.body.classList.add('tooltip-fallback'); } // Viewer options. var viewerOpts = { controls: { mouseViewMode: data.settings.mouseViewMode } }; // Initialize viewer. var viewer = new Marzipano.Viewer(panoElement, viewerOpts); // Create scenes. var scenes = data.scenes.map(function(data) { var urlPrefix = "tiles"; var source = Marzipano.ImageUrlSource.fromString( urlPrefix + "/" + data.id + "/{z}/{f}/{y}/{x}.jpg", { cubeMapPreviewUrl: urlPrefix + "/" + data.id + "/preview.jpg" }); var geometry = new Marzipano.CubeGeometry(data.levels); var limiter = Marzipano.RectilinearView.limit.traditional(data.faceSize, 100*Math.PI/180, 120*Math.PI/180); var view = new Marzipano.RectilinearView(data.initialViewParameters, limiter); var scene = viewer.createScene({ source: source, geometry: geometry, view: view, pinFirstLevel: true }); // Create link hotspots. data.linkHotspots.forEach(function(hotspot) { var element = createLinkHotspotElement(hotspot); scene.hotspotContainer().createHotspot(element, { yaw: hotspot.yaw, pitch: hotspot.pitch }); }); // Create info hotspots. data.infoHotspots.forEach(function(hotspot) { var element = createInfoHotspotElement(hotspot); scene.hotspotContainer().createHotspot(element, { yaw: hotspot.yaw, pitch: hotspot.pitch }); }); return { data: data, scene: scene, view: view }; }); // Set up autorotate, if enabled. var autorotate = Marzipano.autorotate({ yawSpeed: 0.03, targetPitch: 0, targetFov: Math.PI/2 }); if (data.settings.autorotateEnabled) { autorotateToggleElement.classList.add('enabled'); } // Set handler for autorotate toggle. autorotateToggleElement.addEventListener('click', toggleAutorotate); // Set up fullscreen mode, if supported. if (screenfull.enabled && data.settings.fullscreenButton) { document.body.classList.add('fullscreen-enabled'); fullscreenToggleElement.addEventListener('click', function() { screenfull.toggle(); }); screenfull.on('change', function() { if (screenfull.isFullscreen) { fullscreenToggleElement.classList.add('enabled'); } else { fullscreenToggleElement.classList.remove('enabled'); } }); } else { document.body.classList.add('fullscreen-disabled'); } // Set handler for scene list toggle. sceneListToggleElement.addEventListener('click', toggleSceneList); // Start with the scene list open on desktop. if (!document.body.classList.contains('mobile')) { showSceneList(); } // Set handler for scene switch. scenes.forEach(function(scene) { var el = document.querySelector('#sceneList .scene[data-id="' + scene.data.id + '"]'); el.addEventListener('click', function() { switchScene(scene); // On mobile, hide scene list after selecting a scene. if (document.body.classList.contains('mobile')) { hideSceneList(); } }); }); // DOM elements for view controls. var viewUpElement = document.querySelector('#viewUp'); var viewDownElement = document.querySelector('#viewDown'); var viewLeftElement = document.querySelector('#viewLeft'); var viewRightElement = document.querySelector('#viewRight'); var viewInElement = document.querySelector('#viewIn'); var viewOutElement = document.querySelector('#viewOut'); // Dynamic parameters for controls. var velocity = 0.7; var friction = 3; // Associate view controls with elements. var controls = viewer.controls(); controls.registerMethod('upElement', new Marzipano.ElementPressControlMethod(viewUpElement, 'y', -velocity, friction), true); controls.registerMethod('downElement', new Marzipano.ElementPressControlMethod(viewDownElement, 'y', velocity, friction), true); controls.registerMethod('leftElement', new Marzipano.ElementPressControlMethod(viewLeftElement, 'x', -velocity, friction), true); controls.registerMethod('rightElement', new Marzipano.ElementPressControlMethod(viewRightElement, 'x', velocity, friction), true); controls.registerMethod('inElement', new Marzipano.ElementPressControlMethod(viewInElement, 'zoom', -velocity, friction), true); controls.registerMethod('outElement', new Marzipano.ElementPressControlMethod(viewOutElement, 'zoom', velocity, friction), true); function sanitize(s) { return s.replace('&', '&').replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>'); } function switchScene(scene) { stopAutorotate(); scene.view.setParameters(scene.data.initialViewParameters); scene.scene.switchTo(); startAutorotate(); updateSceneName(scene); updateSceneList(scene); } function updateSceneName(scene) { sceneNameElement.innerHTML = sanitize(scene.data.name); } function updateSceneList(scene) { for (var i = 0; i < sceneElements.length; i++) { var el = sceneElements[i]; if (el.getAttribute('data-id') === scene.data.id) { el.classList.add('current'); } else { el.classList.remove('current'); } } } function showSceneList() { sceneListElement.classList.add('enabled'); sceneListToggleElement.classList.add('enabled'); } function hideSceneList() { sceneListElement.classList.remove('enabled'); sceneListToggleElement.classList.remove('enabled'); } function toggleSceneList() { sceneListElement.classList.toggle('enabled'); sceneListToggleElement.classList.toggle('enabled'); } function startAutorotate() { if (!autorotateToggleElement.classList.contains('enabled')) { return; } viewer.startMovement(autorotate); viewer.setIdleMovement(3000, autorotate); } function stopAutorotate() { viewer.stopMovement(); viewer.setIdleMovement(Infinity); } function toggleAutorotate() { if (autorotateToggleElement.classList.contains('enabled')) { autorotateToggleElement.classList.remove('enabled'); stopAutorotate(); } else { autorotateToggleElement.classList.add('enabled'); startAutorotate(); } } function createLinkHotspotElement(hotspot) { // Create wrapper element to hold icon and tooltip. var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); wrapper.classList.add('hotspot'); wrapper.classList.add('link-hotspot'); // Create image element. var icon = document.createElement('img'); icon.src = 'img/link.png'; icon.classList.add('link-hotspot-icon'); // Set rotation transform. var transformProperties = [ '-ms-transform', '-webkit-transform', 'transform' ]; for (var i = 0; i < transformProperties.length; i++) { var property = transformProperties[i]; icon.style[property] = 'rotate(' + hotspot.rotation + 'rad)'; } // Add click event handler. wrapper.addEventListener('click', function() { switchScene(findSceneById(hotspot.target)); }); // Prevent touch and scroll events from reaching the parent element. // This prevents the view control logic from interfering with the hotspot. stopTouchAndScrollEventPropagation(wrapper); // Create tooltip element. var tooltip = document.createElement('div'); tooltip.classList.add('hotspot-tooltip'); tooltip.classList.add('link-hotspot-tooltip'); tooltip.innerHTML = findSceneDataById(hotspot.target).name; wrapper.appendChild(icon); wrapper.appendChild(tooltip); return wrapper; } function createInfoHotspotElement(hotspot) { // Create wrapper element to hold icon and tooltip. var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); wrapper.classList.add('hotspot'); wrapper.classList.add('info-hotspot'); // Create hotspot/tooltip header. var header = document.createElement('div'); header.classList.add('info-hotspot-header'); // Create image element. var iconWrapper = document.createElement('div'); iconWrapper.classList.add('info-hotspot-icon-wrapper'); var icon = document.createElement('img'); icon.src = 'img/info.png'; icon.classList.add('info-hotspot-icon'); iconWrapper.appendChild(icon); // Create title element. var titleWrapper = document.createElement('div'); titleWrapper.classList.add('info-hotspot-title-wrapper'); var title = document.createElement('div'); title.classList.add('info-hotspot-title'); title.innerHTML = hotspot.title; titleWrapper.appendChild(title); // Create close element. var closeWrapper = document.createElement('div'); closeWrapper.classList.add('info-hotspot-close-wrapper'); var closeIcon = document.createElement('img'); closeIcon.src = 'img/close.png'; closeIcon.classList.add('info-hotspot-close-icon'); closeWrapper.appendChild(closeIcon); // Construct header element. header.appendChild(iconWrapper); header.appendChild(titleWrapper); header.appendChild(closeWrapper); // Create text element. var text = document.createElement('div'); text.classList.add('info-hotspot-text'); text.innerHTML = hotspot.text; // Place header and text into wrapper element. wrapper.appendChild(header); wrapper.appendChild(text); // Create a modal for the hotspot content to appear on mobile mode. var modal = document.createElement('div'); modal.innerHTML = wrapper.innerHTML; modal.classList.add('info-hotspot-modal'); document.body.appendChild(modal); var toggle = function() { wrapper.classList.toggle('visible'); modal.classList.toggle('visible'); }; // Show content when hotspot is clicked. wrapper.querySelector('.info-hotspot-header').addEventListener('click', toggle); // Hide content when close icon is clicked. modal.querySelector('.info-hotspot-close-wrapper').addEventListener('click', toggle); // Prevent touch and scroll events from reaching the parent element. // This prevents the view control logic from interfering with the hotspot. stopTouchAndScrollEventPropagation(wrapper); return wrapper; } // Prevent touch and scroll events from reaching the parent element. function stopTouchAndScrollEventPropagation(element, eventList) { var eventList = [ 'touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchend', 'touchcancel', 'wheel', 'mousewheel' ]; for (var i = 0; i < eventList.length; i++) { element.addEventListener(eventList[i], function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); } } function findSceneById(id) { for (var i = 0; i < scenes.length; i++) { if (scenes[i].data.id === id) { return scenes[i]; } } return null; } function findSceneDataById(id) { for (var i = 0; i < data.scenes.length; i++) { if (data.scenes[i].id === id) { return data.scenes[i]; } } return null; } // Display the initial scene. switchScene(scenes[0]); })();